Alfresco Tech Talk Live: Ugo Cei presents CMIS on JBoss Portal
Today at 6pm (CEST) Ugo presents at Alfresco Tech Talk Live our work in Sourcesense about CMIS dedicated to portals: CMIS Portlet.
The implementation is developed on Alfresco and JBoss Portal as portlet container.
To join this event click here.
CMIS Portlet
Alfresco Meetup
I have attended the Alfresco Meetup here in Rome with Sourcesense and we met some people of Alfresco: John Powell (CEO), John Newton (CTO), Mike Farman (DoP) and Gabriele Columbro.
CMIS Plugfest
Ugo Cei has attended CMIS Plugfest and on these two post you can read more about CMIS Portlet and you can see some screenshots too about results and tests.
JBoss Portal Server Development Book Review
JBoss Portal Server Development Book CoverJBoss Portal Server Development by Ramanujam Rao, is the first and unique book (276 pages) totally dedicated to JBoss Portal, it was recently published by Packt Publishing.