Farewell Sourcesense: a new adventure is starting

Today is my last day in Sourcesense and I would like to dedicate some time for sharing with all of you thoughts about my path and all the great colleagues that I met here.

I started my career in the ECM area working in Etnoteam (now NTT Data) and after four years working with Open Source technologies, I simply asked for contributing back to the community.

When I realised that the company didn't want to invest time on giving back to the community, I started to search for a new job, where my passion would had been aligned with the core business and then I found Sourcesense.

Sourcesense gave me the opportunity to increase my vision in the national and international field. My experience here was impressive, I learnt a lot of things and I met key people behind products and frameworks that I use every day for implementing projects.

I also had the chance to lead the internal Innovation Strategy Committee working directly with the CEO, the Sales Team and the Delivery Team for helping and facilitate the overall approach in terms of value added on different aspects.

It's time for me to start a new challenge with a brand new enterprise context, with a new team and different customers.

I would like to thank each former and current colleague in Sourcesense for their work, their priceless support and their energy.